Bernard - Czech Breweries 2.
Location: Humpolec, Highlands Region
In 1991 Stanislav Bernard, Josef Vávra and Rudolf Šmejkal won an
auction for the small privatization of the bankrupt brewery in
Humpolec, established in the 16th century. They have started a long
renovation and development process, including the whole modernization
of the factory. In 2000, the brewery became a part of a join-stock
company. Since July of 2001, Bernard Brewery is in strategic
partnership with the Duvel Moortgat from the Kingdom of Belgium. In
the past twenty years the Bernard Family brewery continued its
growing, and became a well-known premium brand throughout the entire
Czech Republic.
Nowadays the Bernard is well known not only at home,
but also in many countries worldwide. In 2009 more than 200.000 hl of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer was produced and exported to 26
countries. The success of their product is based upon the special recipe, the
use of the best ingredients (malt from the own malt house, czech hop,
own yeast culture, own spring water from the Czech-Moravian
highlands), and other special brew making technologies. And the main
difference between the Bernard and other czech beers is the use of
the microfiltration technology, a special procedure for the final
beer treatment that really makes Bernard an exceptional,
unpasteurized beer.
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